Thursday, November 17, 2005

I checked out Biostatistics M.Sc program courses.

In the biostatistics M.Sc. program I would have only two pure statistics courses. These would be mathematical statistics I and II, course codes STAT5600 and STAT5501. These would be hard work but I know the material at a basic level and would have to show some sophisticated understanding of this area of statistics.

Then epidemiology I and II (EPI5240 & EPI5241) and clinical trials I & II (EPI6178 & EPI6278) plus one optional course and then a seminar course STAT5902 where a team of students analyse some data or experiment and present this analysis in a seminar.

Yesterday morning I downloaded a lot of the course material for EPI5240 and can go out and buy some books to read long before actually registering in the course.

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