Sunday, March 30, 2008
I can now use BibTeX
It says I am borrowing 55 books now on the library web site. Here they are and I hope to clean this list up in the days to come.
- Gerald Midgley, Systemic intervention : philosophy, methodology, and practice (New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2000).
- Paul P. Biemer, et al. Measurement errors in surveys (New York: Wiley, c1991).
- Kathleen Conn. The Internet and the law : what educators need to know (Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2002).
- Derek K. Hitchins. Advanced systems thinking, engineering, and management (Boston, Mass.: Artech House, 2003).
- Gregory S. MacBeth. C# programmer's handbook (Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2004).
- Joanna Phoenix and Sarah Oerton. Illicit and illegal : sex, regulation and social control (Portland, Or.: Willan, 2005).
- Susan Leigh Star. ed. The cultures of computing (Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1995).
- Jane M. Watson. Statistical literacy at school : growth and goals ( Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 2006).
- Julian J. Faraway. Linear models with R
2005 - Christopher Z. Mooney, Robert D." Bootstrapping : a nonparametric approach to statistical inference 1993
- Christopher Z. Mooney. Monte Carlo simulation 1997
- Mark Sh. Levin. Composite systems decisions 2006
- Jeffrey O. Grady. System requirement analysis
2006 - James N. Martin. Systems engineering guidebook : a process for developing systems and products
- R : a statistical tool. 2003
- John C. Nash, Neil Smith and Andy Adler." Audit and change analysis of spreadsheets 2003
- John C. Nash and Tony K. Quon. Issues in teaching statistical thinking with spreadsheets 1996
- Limiting errors in day-to-day calculation. 1985
- Michael J. Crawley. The R book 2007
- David W. DeLong. Lost knowledge : confronting the threat of an aging workforce 2004
- edited by Georg von Krogh and Joh Managing knowledge : perspectives on cooperation and competition 1996
- Dianne E.G. Dyck. "Occupational health & safety : theory, strategy & industry practice "2007
- edited by Malin Sv Cyberfeminism in northern lights : digital media and gender in a Nordic context 2007
- Brian N. Hilton, [editor]." Emerging spatial information systems and applications 2007
- [edited by] Anne Minas. Gender basics : feminist perspectives on women and men 1993
- Jacek Malczewski. GIS and multicriteria decision analysis 1999
- edited by Thomas T. Barker. Perspectives on software documentation : inquiries and innovations 1991
- Bob DuCharme. SGML CD 1998
- P. Sprent. Data driven statistical methods 1998
- William T. Vetterling ... [et al.]. Numerical recipes example book (FORTRAN)
- Defending the earth : dialogue between Murray Bookchin and Dave Foreman ; introduction by David Levi
- 11 world Imperial ambitions : conversations on the post-911
- Bringing knowledge back in : from social constructivism to social realism in the sociology of educatation
- Brent Davis, Dennis Sumara, Rebecca Luce-Kaple" Engaging minds : changing teaching in complex times
- edited by Bridget Somekh and Thomas A. S Knowledge production : research work in interesting times
- Tara Brabazon. The University of Google : education in the (post) information age
- Noam Chomsky. Language and problems of knowledge : the Managua lectures
- Petra K. Kelly ; foreword "Thinking green! : essays on environmentalism, feminism, and nonviolence "
- The elementary forms of the religious life. Translated from the French by Joseph Ward Swain.
- "Primitive classification, by émile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss. Translated from the French and edited"
- Emile Durkheim ... [et al.] ; edited by Kurt H. Wolff ; with ap Essays on sociology and philosophy
- Manuel Castells. End of millennium
- Patrick E. McKnight ... [et al.]. Missing data : a gentle introduction
- by Emile Durkheim ; with an introduction by Lewis A. Coser ; tran The division of labor in society
"- Bruce Edmonds, Ces√°reo Hern√°ndez, K" "Social simulation : technologies, advances and new discoveries
- edited by Brian Kahin and Dominique Foray. Advancing knowledge and the knowledge economy
- Phil Baines & Andrew Haslam. Type & typography
- Rob Carter, Ben Day, Philip Meggs." Typographic design : form and communication
- Timothy Samara. Typography workbook : a real-world guide to using type in graphic design
- by James Coleman and Don Willis. SGML as a framework for digital preservation and access
- Brian E. Travis, Dale C. Waldt." The SGML implementation guide : a blueprint for SGML migration
- Gina Smith, Karl" An integrated approach to family work for psychosis : a manual for family workers
- Mich Improving substance abuse treatment : an introduction to the evidence-based practice movement
- Paul Felton. The ten commandments of typography
- Dan J. Stein, Naomi A. Fineberg." Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Friday, March 28, 2008
The term project is the main goal today.
Thesis simlation is in version 0.0.1.
Ideally for random workers I need to study the typical workplace age distribution then find a function that comes close to that and use that function to get my random ages.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Typos fixed but only two pages done now.
I read books on the weekend on statistics and lost knowledge. I also read some Systems Engineering books our professor has recommended. I am doing great with school right now. I am moving forward with my thesis and may officially enter the M.Sc. full program in a few weeks for a summer course. The summer course will possibly be a reading course given by my supervisor.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Term project report, weekend goals.
For my final exam study this weekend I will try to read all the course notes through once and then ask my wife test me on some answers.
Thesis chapters started.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I set up a personal study wiki to organise my research.
After I uploaded all these books to, I read a thread in the graduate student group at about organising research. The thread had settled down to discussing the use of wiki's for notes. I got excited with that and then spent 8 hours installing wikimedia as a research took for my Macbook. But this web based tool will only be on my personal computers web page and not on the wider internet. This was also a goal to have web based tools that would not be open the web itself. So I have my first personal Intranet application now. I will also install a personal Drupal and make a nice home page and other pages in Dreamweaver.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I completed reading the book on UK sexual offences and the 2003 Sexual Offences Act
This is the book I just completed reading
- Phoenix, Joanna, and Sarah Oerton. Illicit and illegal : sex, regulation and social control (Portland, Or. : Willan, 2005).
- A good dissection of new British sex crime laws. Also a good look at the neutralisation of men's sexual violence by leaving everything gender neutral thus avoiding the obvious that almost all sex crime is caused by the men.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I will have to stop work on the baby boom thesis.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The critiques of measuring knowledge.
New paper search method.
I deleted my Eve Online account.
I deleted my subscription because the game was taking too much valuable time from my home life and other activities and was costing money and I have no extra money. Also my main focus both with computers and school work is not in the entertainment gaming field. Yes, I can make connections to other topics like helping strangers and cooperative play but as I said it took too much time and too much money. I have also been able to experience the cooperation at a basic first time experience level. But games have traditionally been used in education to effect cooperation (aka Game Theory).
Enough with that game and information society cash out stream. This will save me 15$ per month as that was going to become the cost of that game. The game Second life is now costing me 33$ a month on a regular fee basis plus costs of buying land and other items. In fact, I am this weekend, buying another 512 basic lot adjoining my present virtual 3D land holdings
Monday, March 03, 2008
I have printed the bibliography and scanned and marked it up.
This is bigger search task than I thought it would be. I am stopping for today.
Operational knowledge and my research plan.
- Categories of knowledge
- Cognitive knowledge
- Skills knowledge
- Systems knowledge
- Social network knowledge
- Process and procedural knowledge
- Heuristic knowledge
- Cultural knowledge
I will now search out these terms in both IEEE, ACM, SAGE and some other major journal databases. I hope to keep these references in RefWorks which means the first step is to log into refworks and get the web cite tool working. I might also use BibTeX links and also deicious.