Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Now for the criminology books I am reading or still borrowing:
van Leeuwen, Marianne. Confronting Terrorism: European Experiences, Threat Perceptions and Policies (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2003).
So far I have only read the first chapter concerned mostly with introducing the book and defining terrorism.
Pogrebin, Mark. ed. About Criminals: A View of the Offenders World (Thousand Oaks, Cal.: Sage, 2004).
I have read the first article and picked this up to deepen my knowledge of criminology writing generally. This book is divided by type of crime which is a simple way of looking at criminology.
Sieber, Ulrich. Ed. Information Technology Crime: National Legislation,
Jus Informationis European Series on Information Law v 6 (Köln: Carl
Heymanns Verlag, 1994).
I am now reading the USA section of this book but not quickly or not as quickly as I might. I am still borrowing this book now for two or three months.
Sofaer, Abraham D. & Goodman, Seymour E. Eds. The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime and Terrorism (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution, 2001).
I am still borrowing this book too for three months now but am not consulting or reading it at present.

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