Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Dawn Moore the professor in my drug law course said I had written a very good term paper so I am happy now. I also did a not bad take home exam and even established my own view on the 'other' and intention in the criminal law. I may publish some of this stuff on my home page under my law studies page. I only have my honours paper and my numerical analysis course to complete work on before January. I also need to study for a SAS exam soon.

I have some grading to do today and tomorrow. I have been doing some volunteer work this week and on Thursday I have a union meeting in the evening and then on Friday maybe another union meeting where I might be hired as a web master for the unions web site.

I have been reading about environmental law and data mining. I have also been reading that study of self help groups for substance addiction. I am also still reading about crime victims and criminology generally. Finally my studies continue on the global internet and computer programmming topics. I am not reading about disabilities right now.

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