I solved the algorithum for the tridiagonal system at school yesterday, while sitting on a bench. Then I went to the lab and got it to work and made a jpg of the plot and printed it last night when I got home. Just now minutes after midnight, I put the algorithum down in pen and ink in rough form and as I did it computed the computational complexity. It can be solved in 7N -5 operations. I also solved Q.1 in the assignment # 3 for MATH3806 in rough form just now. I now just need to write up a discussion of my plots for Q.3 in rough form. Then I need to make a good copy of all this work. So I am in the home stretch now. This is all due tomorrow in the mid afternoon.
Also tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with Loyd, a cognative studies graduate student who works at the writing tutorial service; who will help me with my legal studies writing. I got one paper back graded from my drug law course, so 20% of the grade has been earned to date.
With the assignment # 3 tomorrow submitted I will have completed 36% of the grade in MATH3806.
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