Monday, August 06, 2007

I found a good paper on social networks and gift giving.

Because file sharing is a two way street it may be similar to rights because rights are both given and taken. In my browsing QA76.9 I found QA76.9 C66 C5845 2005 and this paper:
Skågeby, Jörgen & Pargman, Daniel. File-Sharing Relationships - conflicts of interest in online gift-giving in van den Besselaar, Peter, et. al. eds. Communities and Technologies 2005 (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2005)
This paper will be used for the above thought and the model they use for scales between network nodes, namely ego-micro-meso-macro.
I need to check the above citation against my legal studies citation guide before putting the above cite into my bibliography for my paper. At least I have it started here and have the Nordic accents done in html entities for now.

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