Friday, May 28, 2004

These are the books I borrowed last night from the library.
Sweet, Stephan A. & Grace-Martin, Karen. Data Analysis with SPSS: A First Course in Applied Statistics (Boston: Pearson Education, 2003)
This book uses two data sets on disk. The disk was not available to borrow. Then using this data the authors guide the student through the process of analysing and intrepeting the data. The main focus is on interpretation of data.
Cincotta, Richard P. & Engelman, Robert & Anastasion Daniele. The Security Demographic: Population and Civil Conflict After the Cold War (Washington, D.C.: Population Action International, 2003).
This book uses maps, tables and population pyramids to look at possible causes or corelates to civic conflict. One main point from demographics is that as countries pass though the phases of the demographic transition they become less prone to civil conflict.
Dingledine, Roger. Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Third International Workshop, PET 2003 Dresden, Germany, March 2003, Revised Papers (Berlin: Springer, 2003)
I have not looked at this book yet.
Bland, Douglas L. & Maloney, Sean M. Campaigns for International Security: Canada's Defence Policy at the Turn of the Century (MOntreal, Que.: McGill-Queens University Press, 2004)
This books looks at Canada's various defence operations and policy in the 1990's and presently.
Mauroni, Al. Chemical and Biological Warfare: A Reference Handbook (Sanata Barbara, Ca: ABC-CLIO, 2003).
This is basic book that covers chemcial and biological warfare. The author questions whether these weapons are really a moral issue and says they are not thus showing how American scholars do not question warfare as much as other world scholars.
I attended my classes for 4.5 hours out of 6 hours this week. That is the official time the actual time was about 5 hours class and I attended 3.5 hours. So with 9.5 hours class time I have attended 8 hours.

I worked for two hours this morning on my paper and presentation which are the only graded components of the course besides participation. I also spent two hours reading some new books and old books last night related to the course. That makes about 43 hours now outside of the class room. Or about 5/1 outside/inclass ratio. Down from last week but still above ideal.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I am tutoring a student in psychological methods and statistics today and tomorrow might be tutoring a student in private law studies.
I completed reading Kent Roach's book this morning at 10:00. I took one more quote and seem to have developed a thesis for my paper now. I also seem to be able to link the legal topic with the emergency responder topic and GIS now. I seem to agree personally in the main with Roach.

Monday, May 24, 2004

I now have forty five pages left to read in Kent Roach, September 11: Consequences for Canada (Montreal, Que.: McGill-Queens University Press, 2003).
I have fifty five pages left to read in Kent Roach, September 11: Consequences for Canada (Montreal, Que.: McGill-Queens University Press, 2003).

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I completed reading chapter 5 The Challenges of Preserving Canadian Democracy in Kent Roach, September 11: Consequences for Canada (Montreal, Que.: McGill-Queens University Press, 2003). I have two more chapters to read about 70 pages before I take this book back on Tuesday, May 25th.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

I spent some time making proper footnotes for a book I have to take back to the school library on Tuesday as another student has put a hold on it. I also spent some time printing more laws out for my 3 ring legislative binder. I also read some more of the books I have extra and the course text book. In terms of reading I am almost completed the weekend reading that was assigned on Thursday. So I studied for about 3 more hours for a total of 36 hours outside of class.

Friday, May 21, 2004

I signed my assignment of duties form with my new supervisor yesterday M. She even gave me tutorial centre hours. I was able to schedule these with Anne Woodside one of my professors from the past as Anne Woodside looks after the tutorial centre. This arrangment pleased me and I am happy with this work condition. I did study the union's CA yesterday and maybe this helped make this process pleasing. There have been some reports of vandelism in the new centre that is only one year old now in its new location.

I also talked to my scheduling supervisor in another job and there is no work this week or next.

Therefore I should try to get as much of my school work done as possible in this week and next.

I was able to help with the newspaper route today. The fellow who does the route D is limping badly and it is sad to see him have to work himself to death just to make a living. He is a polio survivor.

I have another job where I have completed my hours for fiscal 2003 now. My employer the self help group network now owe me nothing and I owe them nothing. We need to negotiate the next years work, that is this year fiscal 2004.

I got my textbook yesterday for the course I am to TA. It has a CD with datasets on it. I copied them to my WinXP laptop because it has SAS on it. The CD is ISBN: 0-534-39939-8. The course is STAT3502 in the Carleton University course codes. The professor I am working with is Meltem Tuna. She is a good supervisor so far. I will have office hours in the tutorial centre. This pleases me.
In first year a couple of people advised me to put in twice as many out of class study hours as classroom hours in first year university. One of them also said in fourth year one would need to put in even more hours. In this fourth year law course I have put in 33 hours so far outside of class. I have put in 4.5 hours class time so far. So right now out of class to in class has a ratio of 33 to 4.5 or 7.33.

I have a computer slide show started on emergency preparedness and GIS for this course. I also have a paragraph or two started for my course paper. I did both of these study tasks with Open Office (

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I put in another hour this morning and yesterday on my LAWS4701 course. I started a computer slide show for a presentation. I am choosing to do a GIS and emergency response topic. I will introduce this generally then cite some authors and present thier views and ideas on the topic. I will then highlight some issues that are still not solved.

Monday, May 17, 2004

I read one more paper in one book yesterday before calling it quits. The paper was in The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism in chapter 2 Societal Responses to Threats it was 2.3 in that chapter... bibliographic cite: Galloway, Gerald E. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Lessons Learned from 9/11 in Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003) p. 27-34.

I have one more paper still to read in chapter 2 then 6 more chapters. Right now I am going to read a little more about computers.

I put in about 6 hours this weekend on the LAWS4701 course. I spent some time with Quick law two hours ago researching disclosure in law cases from a book on the Law of Evidence. I have read about 7 books so far for this course. I have only completed reading one of these books and that book was 61 pages long. I have read books on geography and terrorism, psychology and terrorism and architecture and terrorism. I only really have one book on law and terrorism. I completed a chapter in that book today and am about half way through that book now. I spent about two hours writing today and one hour yesterday. I have about two pages written in my essay now. I should try to put in 144 hours outside of the classroom for the course. I have put in almost 30 hours now.
I am writing and researching another school paper on the WinXP laptop. I am also using the eMac fairly constantly. I think the Linux projects will be on hold for a while to reduce stress.

I had some thoughts tonight of beginnning and continuing to study for the LPI 101 certification again. But I can't afford anything extra right now and one of my domain names is up for renewal and I have an idea for a new domain name to point to my computer log book blog.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

I just read Mitchell, James K. Urban Vulnerability to Terrorism as Hazard in Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003) p. 17-25. This article sets a research agenda and was most inspiring. I could consider some of the statments in this article for quotes to address practical solutions to terrorism prevention and law enforcement.
Here is an interesting UN web page with plenty of articles about computers. Have a look at a few of the articles.
The second paper in Pepper, David & Jenkins, Alan. The Geography of Peace and War (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985) p. 29-41 was O`Sullivan, Patrick. The Geopolitics of Deterrence.
I read Thomas, Deborah S. K. Public Health, Law Enforcement, and Hazards Management in Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003) p.9-15. This article allows me to see that cooperation between public health, law enforcement and hazards researchers would benefit the struggle against violence. I could use this article of any of the articles in this book for intergrating the law studies we will do in LAWS4701 with the geography of hazards. Although thinking about it right now Freedom of information laws could best be related to the study of terrorism laws. That investigative hearing and other judicial processes are to work in secret could be the key to writing an essay that includes meantion of GIS data but also focuses on the criminal law aspects of the Anti-Terrorism Act

Saturday, May 15, 2004

I read Rogers, Marc. The Psychology of Cyber-Terrorism in Andrew Silke, ed. Terrorists, Victims and Society (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2003) a few days ago. I also read Silke, Andrew. The Psychology of Suicidal Terrorism in the same book.

Friday, May 14, 2004

I called the school bookstore to see if our course pack is in yet. It is not in yet. I have to decide whether to buy the other book today or maybe Monday. I think today. I have a couple of other bus trips to do today. Otherwise I am not working today.
I completed reading chapter 2 of September 11 by Kent Roach on the bus today on the way to work. I started chapter 3 on the way home.

Tomorrow I buy my course textbooks, one book on Canada-US relations and one course pack style book.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Larry Davidson whose book Living Outside Mental Illness I have been reading the past few weeks describes the sort of value free assumption free research he attempts to do with his interview team. They are not looking for a grand theory or a predictive science.

Here is a quote about insight that is good and possible uplifting. Warning this effect will wear off in the company of clinical psychiatrists

From the section in chapter 4 entitled "I may be crazy, but I am not stupid"

In this way, schizophrenia appears to be similar to other illnesses that manifest certain signs and symptoms behaviorally without, or prior to, more internal changes. Unlike fever, in which the person feels hotter than usual, diabetes, for example, may at first be suggested through frequent urination but then is diagnosed through blood tests. Prior to experiencing what one comes to recognize as the effects of low blood sugar, there is no experience of diabetes per se. Even in cases in which the signs or symptoms of an illness maybe experienced subjectively as well as observed behaviorally, such as the difficulties in breathing characteristic of asthma, the person is not aware of the nature of the illness until these signs have been explained through a healthcare provider's assessment and diagnosis. The same appears to be true of psychosis; there is no definitive experience of psychosis per se from which a person might then infer independently "I am suffering from a psychotic disorder"
Is this what is meant by the lack of awareness of illness in schizophrenia? It would be unreasonable to describe people with schizophrenia as lacking insight just because they were unable to determine the nature of their disorder on their own......
[Larry Davidson, Living Outside Mental Illness: Qualitative Studies of Recovery in Schizophrenia (New York: New York University Press, 2003) p.133.]
Before sleeping last night I read a paper by Marc Rogers titled The Psychology of Cyber-Terrorism from the book Andrew Silke, ed. Terrorists, Victims and Society (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2003). This might figure in a paper about computer security. Although again the cyber attacks are speculative. Noted here in this paper is the media attention that feeds terrorism and the media attention given to cyberspace.

Monday, May 10, 2004

I attended a luncheon put on by the National Anti-Poverty Organisation to lunch Voices: Women, Poverty and Homelessness in Canada. I met the researchers and the report's authors. As well I met NAPO staff and local community activists. Napo's web site should be here at this URL:
I also borrowed a book by Jan Sokolowski & Jean-Paul Zolesio, Introduction to Shape Optimization: Shape Sensitivity Analysis (Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1992). This is to prepare for this weeks Field's workshop.
I borrowed three books about terrorism. Two of these are from a geographical perspective. I got home and read two papers in one book. These papers were in chapter 7 Building a Safer but Open Society of the book Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003). The papers were Harlan Onsrud, Openness versus Security of Geographic Information in Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003) p. 207-212 and William B. Wood, Geosecurity again in Cutter, Susan L. & Richardson, Douglas B. & Wilbanks, Thomas J. eds. The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2003) p. 213-222.
I did go to school today. I went to the library and also the bookstore.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

I read chapter 2 in Health and Community Design: the Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity. Chapter two covered urban design periods and concluded that various urban design movements had been mainly motivated by public health. A zoning law case, Euclid v. Ambler Realty, (1926), in the Supreme Court in the USA was discussed. Here the court ignored the rights of the poor. Also neighbourhoods as basic planning units was discussed in this chapter near the end. Planning started to be focused around the automobile which meant that inactivity was being designed in to development. More and more the garden town and the idea that nature equals health drove the intellectuals and the real estate market.
I am re-reading chapter 1 in Frank, Lawrence D. & Engelke, Peter O. & Schmid, Thomas L., Health and Community Design: the Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity (Washington: Island, 2003). the basic premise is that public health determines our cities design.
I re-read chapter 1 in this book this morning Frank, Lawrence D. & Engelke, Peter O. & Schmid, Thomas L., Health and Community Design: the Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity (Washington: Island, 2003). The basic premise is that health determines how our cities are designed. The secondary and more important premise is that our sprawled cities were the result of healthy design against communicable diseases but have now been found to be lacking in providing environments in which to exercise and gain healthy physical activity. We have become dominated by the car design cities. Even 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day is an improvement to our health.
I am practicing legal research. I am studying a course this summer that concerns terrorism. I just downloaded the US Patriot Act and yesterday printed off the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act. I also have to print off the Immigration Act of Canada. This is preliminary reading for this course. I don't find this too stressful. I have also done some other reading both on topic and off topic but related to my on topic reading. I am particularly trying not to be too off topic and tangential right now.

I am relaxed a bit. I did attend the conference for one sesssion yesterday. This session concerned Mexican labour and also childbirth in Europe and also the changing age of women who give birth. I asked one question of a grad student. After the session I talked a bit over coffee with the student M.R. who had studied the Mexican labour demographics and told her about my labour research at Stat's Can. I took some free coffee.

After this session I took the train home and then stayed up with my wife. We talked a lot. I showed her my clinical nursing handbook and how to use it. I read a little para-psychology from a philosophy course reader and then slept at 3 or 3:30. I woke up at about 1 am this morning

I am getting my sleep adjusted so I can attend a three day workshop and be on time. The workshop starts on Wednesday this coming week.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I am starting my study of directly looking at Anti-terrorism laws and will be printing off the laws on my Epson 440 over the next hour.

Friday, May 07, 2004

I have not been doing any school work for while now. Things will pick up next week in math studies. I might prepare a bit and should check the workshop web site today.

My dad Thomas Timusk was written up in this month's Scientific American. He kept copies of this magazine in his office for years. He seems to have ruled out some possible explainations for behaviour of High-Tc superconductors in an experiment. He has been working in super conductivity research for over twenty years now.

I did not go to the conference which is the Great Lakes Conference title Global Governance in the 21st century. I am not as upset with my LAWS4204 mark as I am with my LAWS3907 mark. I think this emotional involvment comes from the grades I expect and the distance of the expected grade from the earned grade.

I sent the professor an email regreting my low grade. I also emailed someone in support at the Paul Menton Centre.

I am just taking time off and and have been talking with friends last night and working on computer configurations in the wee hours of the morning.

I passed my ecommerce course but the mark brought my grade point average down a point. It was really a poor mark for my recent law studies. I guess the professor does not like students who argue with him in class. Maybe he did not value my efforts. I read quite a lot about the Internet for this course. Oh well on to the summer term. Based on this mark my mark in LAWS3907 with Susan Haslip was just fine. So far I have only really had three business law professors. Two out of three ain't bad. But this professor Campbell is really not a very good scholar and my calling him out in class during his lectures I think put my grade at risk. This means he is not an honourable professor.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

I am going to a conference today, Friday and Saturday.
I changed my mind about summer school and the exact nature of my second undergrad degree. Instead of doing a combined degree I am going to study for a one subject degree. That subject is just law. This means I can study LAWS2005 this summer which is a core course in public law. I am still not sure but I took a place in this LAWS2005 course just in case that is what I want to do with my summer.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I didn't end up going to school yesterday. Today I stayed up all morning from last night and attended a community meeting in the morning. I volunteered to look into the cities budget and how it affects the disabled.
My grades still aren't ready for my Internet legal issues course. Somehow I think I may have only scored a C in this course. But more likley a B.
My professor from last winter's course in Information legal issues has invited me to a conference this week. I will have to miss the green party meeting this week to attend the keynote address. This conference could be 2 hours on Thursday night for the keynote and wine and cheese, at which, of course I won't drink, but will eat. Then two day time periods of sessions, Friday and Saturday. I don't have any scheduled work so can go to these. The conference is on globalisation and power and the analysis of this. It is put on by our department of Political Economy by graduate students in that department. It should be fasinating and I will try to attend the whole thing.

I have a workshop next week that is three days long at the other university in town. This workshop is in math and covers shape optimisation. This will be my first advanced math workshop. Feeling like John Nash, I am.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I did a first search on the word *terrorism* in the title of books and other resources at the university library. I will now go to school and buy an ink cartridge and check for course books and borrow some of these books. I will also return some books.
I completed reading my back ground research on Chemical and Biological warfare in Ranger, Robin, The Canadian Contribution to the Control of Chemical and Biological Warfare (Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1976). This book introduced me to international policy based on technical expertise. This also covered a middle power Canada influencing the major power the USA.

Now in our course we may look at CBW policy because this was an issue in Iraq.

This book taught me that chemical weapons facilities can not be verified as easily as biological and thus this non verifiability was a stumbling block to updating chemical weapons agreements for arms control.

This book could show how we ended up doing what we have done in Iraq. But is that all of us? Did we all do something in Iraq? I have a vauge idea that chemical warfare was used in the Iran-Iraq war. I had seen soliders die in troves on TV as they were gased. So was it Iraq's path or the path of the US or the path of arms control that lead to the frantic search for chemical and biological weapons in Iraq.

Also this book at no time said it was possible for a smaller power to effectively use these types of weapons. Especially biological weapons were beyond the hands of smaller states so we could assume that terrorists could not have had the ability to use these weapons in 1976. Whether they have them now is another question that I think plays into massive changes in quality around the world(globalism), in this case the quality of chemical weapons production tools.

Monday, May 03, 2004

testing one two three. this blog appears to be off line at the moment.
I am studying in this workshop this summer:


Human Rights and (Over) Reaction in a Security Conscious World

LAWS 4701A
Title: Sovereignty & Security: Balance in an Unbalanced World
Instructor: Chris McNaught

Lessons learned? A post-9/11 Afghanistan-Iraq critical analysis of national and international (over) reaction to the current phenomenon of terror: are we truly ‘fighting terrorism’, or just wounding civil liberties? Already, legal challenges have surfaced to the indefinite incarceration of ‘enemy combatants’ at Guantanamo Bay, the integrity of any related tribunal hearings, the (U.S.) Patriot Act, the (Canada) Anti-Terrorism Act, immigration policies (minister’s certificates, racial profiling); taken with continued bombings (Spain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan) should we question whether legislative and policy responses were symbolic, short-term political messages rather than effective security measures. Did we/will we compromise or sell out our sovereign identity under such seductions as a ‘North American defence perimeter’ and new versions of Star Wars? Are we any safer than before---who are ‘we’?

I read a little more of the second chapter in Teach Yourself C++ this morning. I am almost finished this chapter.

I am reading Ranger, Robin, The Canadian Contribution to the Control of Chemical and Biological Warfare (Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1976). This is for my criminal justice and social policy workshop this summer and is background reading. I am about halfway through this short book. It covers the recent history of the use of these weapons and also looks at the use of riot gas in the Vietnam war. The focus on this book is Canadian knowledge in this weapons field and how that knowledge can help us effect policy in the international arena.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

I read the second paper in the geography of peace and war. This covered perceptions of space between nations. The author suggested networks as a better spatial model than super power poles.
I printed out all my blogs for rough copy binders. This is public information. It is non-protected class A data.