Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I got half an hour of marking done yesterday morning. I got the first part of the assignment marked for all the students. I should get the rest of the question marked today. It is really the only paid work I need to do today.

I gave the tutorial yesterday. There were not many students in attendance. We worked on velocity and acceleration questions in calculus. We also worked on increasing and decreasing functions and graphing.

I then went to my consumer law lecture. We covered strict libability and then in the second half covered exclusion clauses in standard form contracts. We looked at Mendelssohn v. Norman (1969) 2 All E.R. 1212 (C.A.) and that's where we ended for the mid-term next week. We are responsibile for all readings in the course text up to page 193. I have read all that at least once.

I am continuing to read Law, Psychology and Justice.

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