Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Scored another A in a law course

The professor emailed me my exam score which he said was excellent 317/350 and combined with my essay grade I should be getting an 84% grade which means A at my school. I really wanted to celebrate. But did not really do that. I did not work much on school work today after about 5 am or so. So I put in about three hours general studies this morning. I also put in about half an hour reading something for my intelllectual property law course. So I have about 17 hours to go in September. For statistics I surfed the school web site and may go to one of my former TA's PhD. defence later this morning at 10:30 AM. I also want to pay off my mixer and bring it home later today. Today is my last pay day for my summer teaching assistant work. The A in public law means I could also be asked to TA that course this year. I may just stay up all night and sleep at noon tomorrow.

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