Saturday, August 06, 2005

Gave labs and a test last night.

I gave labs on hypothesis testing to a handful of students. The marking for this course will continue over the week for assignment #4 and I need to finish assignment #5 by Wednesday. Then I am done with this course.

I also gave a test to engineers and had some problems with them. I managed to mark the problem Q fairly and students only failed if they did no work. Students who did not have the problem of not knowing the formula for a binomial and got a perfect answer got perfect marks and students who had the problem but followed my in test instructions passed the question, if they showed the method to solve for an MLE properly. The problem was they did not know the formula for the bionomial but many of them knew how to solve for an MLE. I spent about 1 hour marking Q1 this MLE question. I now have two z confidence limits to calculate and one t test limit.

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